Voi että sentään mikä reissu takana! Ihan jumalattoman upeat 5 päivää tuli vietettyä siis New Yorkissa Manhattanilla Lauran kanssa. Näin nopeesti ja lyhyesti voin tiivistää matkan kertomalla, että joka päivä riitti uutta ja ihanaa nähtävää, joka päivä oppi enemmän miten käyttäytyä ja kulkea Manhattanilla ja lupaan että vaikka oli eka, niin ei suinkaan vika kerta ku Amerikkaan lähen, ei varmana!!!
Dear God! What a trip! So, I got to spend 5 super amazing days in New York, Manhattan with my best friend Laura. Briefly, every day was filled up with new and lovely places, every day we learned how to act and use the public traffic in Manhattan and I promise this won't be the last time I visit America, though, it was the first time, I PROMISE!!!Kirjotan jokasesta päivästä erillisen postauksen ja viimeseen laitan pienen koostevideon siitä kaikesta mitä tuli aina silloin tällöin kuvailtua puhelimella. Alotetaan!
I will write separate posts of each day and I will add a little video which includes stuff I recorded every now and then. Let's start!
Tietysti käytiin heti Starbucksissa kahvilla, se ku on niin luksusta (vaikka näin matkan jälkeen se tuntuu enemmän ku itsestäänselvyydeltä). Toi mun kahvi kuulutettiin enkuks haha! Hieno nimi.
We had spent the night at Helsinki and on Wednesday (24th of October) we headed to the airport at 11 AM. The temperature in NY was around 14-20 degrees (57-68 degrees in Fahrenheit) everyday, so it was very nice to not to have to put on that much clothes you would have needed in Finland. Still, I was wearing a beanie all the time! ONCE AGAIN: it's an accessory!!! But I have to admit it was maybe a little too hot at times...
Of course we went to grab some coffee from Starbucks, it is such luxury for us (even though after my trip I'm taking it for granted). I was served in English due to that name, haha! What an awesome name.
The flight left at 2:10 PM which is 7:10 AM in New York and took about 8 hours. The flight felt soooo long and boring! I tried to sleep so the time would have gone faster but actually I haven't ever been able to sleep well anywhere else than in bed.
Our hotel |
The street in front of our hotel |
Suunnattiin JFK:n lentokentältä suoraan hotellille ja ihmettelin ekaks sitä hirveetä taksien määrää. Ylhäällä kuvaa meidän hotellista ja "kotikadusta" :D Kello tais olla jo jotain kuuden pintaan ku saavuttiin, koska maahantulotarkastukseen jonottaminen kesti vähintään tunnin. Sitä ollaa niin tarkkoja täällä...
Anyways, ilta ku oli ja piti yrittää pysytellä hereillä, käytiin taas tietysti ekana lähimmässä Starbucksissa, jossa päätin kokeilla jääkahvia ekaa kertaa. Hyi :D Päätettiin suunnata Times Squarelle päin, oli kuulemma suht lähellä meijän hotellia. No niinhän se oli, mut silti "eksyttiin" ja käveltiin jostain ihan ihme paikkojen kautta :D Yritettiin parhaamme mukaan tajuta sitä avenue-street-järjestelmää mut eihän siitä aluks tullu oikeen mitään.
We arrived at 3 PM local time, so basically you could think it only took an hour to get to America :D The mission of the day was to try to be able to stay awake until the night, but actually it wasn't even a problem. I didn't get the "OMG I'M IN AMERICA, BITCHES"-feeling and I wasn't even nervous. To be honest, I didn't even know of what to be nervous about. I didn't really think of what is it like in New York.
From JFK Airport we headed straight to our hotel and the first thing I was wondering was the super huge amount of taxis. The clock was about 6 PM when we checked in to our hotel, because it took so much time to go through all of those security things at the airport. They are way more careful than in Finland!
Anyways, as we had to try to stay awake and it was night time already we decided to check out Times Square due to we heard it was near to our hotel. But of course we grabbed some coffee from Starbucks at first. This time instead of "One tall Chai Latte, please" I decided to try out iced coffee. Yuck :D And even though Times Square really was near to us, we managed to get lost. We ended up walking to the wrong direction again and again and tried our best to figure out the Avenue-Street-system but didn't quite understand it well enough yet :D
Finally we found an area with lots of colorful lights and ads so we thought we are getting closer to our destination :D We were pretty hungry and Roastown Coffee's ad caught our attention so we decided to eat there. There were three kitchens but unfortunately the one that served noodle soup was closed, we would have wanted something hot to eat :( In the end we ate just sushi because if we bought two boxes we only needed to pay for one. I immediately noticed how nice the staff was everywhere :)
Thanks for wi-fi we were able to use Google Maps and found the right way! :D Well, Times Square sure was something. Especially when it was dark the lights were amazing. It was just so annoying when we got too much attention from guys and someone even wanted to marry me. Apparently people liked my hair a lot. Anyway, we walked through Times Square and took some photos.
Totuttiin heti aikaeroon hyvin, ainaki luulin niin ennenku kuulin jet lagista, eli aikaerorasituksesta, jossa syvän unen osuus lisääntyy alkuyöstä, mutta varhanen aamuherääminen on tavallista (regards Wikipedia). Mulla kävi tismalleen tollee! :D
We were pretty exhausted from all the walking so once again we went to Starbucks (OK, after this entry I won't separately tell when we visited Starbucks because we did it like 5 times a day :D) to get some cold and fresh to drink.
We got used to the time difference pretty well, or at least I thought so before hearing about jet lag, which means you are fast asleep when you go to sleep but still wake up early. Haha, I hope you guys understood! But that's exactly what happened to me! :D
In the last picture there is our hotel room which was very small, but cozy. The staff was extremely nice and we even swapped little notes with our cleaner :D In the picture also the most disgusting iced coffee ever (sorry Carlos :D) and our last drinks we took before going to the hotel.Ekasta päivästä jäi vähän sekava, mutta kiva olo. Kaikki oli niin erilaista ja en osaa ees kuvailla miten onnellinen ja kodikas olo mulla oli koko ajan :) Vielä jäi paljon nähtävää, niistä lisää seuraavissa postauksissa!
The first day really made an impression on me but I also felt a little confused. Everything was so different and I can't even describe how happy and cozy I felt all the time :) There was still a lot to see and experience but I will tell more about that stuff in the next entries!
Boggly Woods <333